Had we but world enough, and time, / 如果我們的世界夠大, 時間夠多,
This coyness, Lady, were no crime / 小姐, 這樣的羞怯就算不上罪過.
An hundred years should go to praise / 我會用一百年的時間讚美
Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze; / 你的眼睛, 凝視你的額眉;
Two hundred to adore each breast, / 花兩百年愛慕你的每個乳房,
But thirty thousand to the rest; / 三萬年才讚賞完其他地方;
An age at least to every part, / 每個部位至少花上一個世代,
And the last age should show your heart. / 在最後一世代才把你的心展現出來.
For, Lady, you deserve this state, / 因為, 小姐, 你值得這樣的禮遇,
Nor would I love at lower rate. / 我也不願用更低的格調愛你.
Now therefore, while the youthful hue / 因此, 現在趁著青春顏色
Sits on thy skin like morning dew, / 還像朝露般在你的肌膚停坐,
And while thy willing soul transpires / 趁你的靈魂自每個毛孔欣然
At every pore with instant fires, / 散發出即時的火焰,
Now let us sport us while we may, / 此刻, 讓我們能玩就玩個盡興;
And now, like amorous birds of prey, / 此刻, 像發情的猛禽
Rather at once our time devour / 寧可一口把我們的時光吞掉
Than languish in his slow-chapt power / 也不要在咀嚼的嘴裡虛耗.
Let us roll all our strength and all / 讓我們把所有力氣, 所有
Our sweetness up into one ball, / 甜蜜, 滾成一個圓球,
And tear our pleasures with rough strife / 粗魯狂猛的奪取我們的快感
Thorough the iron gates of life: / 衝破一扇扇人生的鐵柵欄;
Thus, though we cannot make our sun / 這樣, 我們雖無法叫太陽
Stand still, yet we will make him run. / 駐足, 卻可使他奔跑向前
- Jun 13 Tue 2006 12:54
To His Coy Mistress / 致羞怯的情人(中英對照)