目前分類:皮皮的報告 (4)
- May 30 Tue 2006 11:48
The Candy House(Modern story)
- Dec 27 Tue 2005 18:19
He is legend, also a nut, too. He makes all children over the world don’t want to go to school. The middle finger become a silent gesture when somebody is unpleasant! This is who EMINEM is.
Eminem’s original name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III; he was born in Detroit on October 17th in 1973. It was Uncle Ronnie who arose his interest of rap. A miserable childhood is the main reason that make him pissed off on everything, rap is the only way for him to let off. However, for a “white” rap singer who want to stand out in rap music market which should be more tough with black people, Eminem’s music career is not easy. He worked hard from here to there, from Rhythm Kitchen、The Shelter which is not running now to Maurice Malone’s Hip-Hop Shop. After he defeated everyone who challenges him, he finally gets to the top of the Rap Olympic Race.
As I know, EMINEM, the king of rapper, released his first personal selected record in the whole world in December second: Curtain Call-The Hits. The name of the record and the release time let the media all over the world doubt if the king is going to work behind the scenes forever or not. Singer Grag David also jumped out and say “Don’t even think about retirement, EMINEM, cause you are the real poet.” This one would be the last one of EMINEM’s master piece, not only all the record stores of America are crazy ordering them, the other side of Atlantic, England, has big reaction. About tens of hip pop trucks decorated into EMINEM’s style are loaded with millions of EMINEM’s selected records and delivering to all record stores of whole country. The employer of England record company declared “Maybe everyone thought that he is not going to sing anymore, that’s why everyone are crazy about getting this record, and yet he never wants us to forget him, after all, the hip pop trucks is his idea.”
- Dec 19 Mon 2005 19:30

超級大痞子阿姆絕對是樂壇話題人物,不斷地製造新聞也讓其他藝人望塵莫及,與艾爾頓強在葛萊美獎的合作更成為不朽經典。而阿姆Rap詞間充滿譏諷娛樂圈名人、鼓吹暴力仇恨、挑釁同性戀族群甚至罵盡所有人,有人對他恨得牙癢癢、有人則對他的大放厥詞直呼過癮!雖然在〝The Real Slim Shady〞中擺明對葛萊美獎百般不屑,卻依舊風光奪得本屆葛萊美獎3項大獎,想必那些被阿姆臭罵卻又得表現出風度的評審委員們,一定是對他又愛又恨。而【超級大痞子】在美國突破7白金、英國5白金、愛爾蘭12白金、加拿大6白金…全球總計1000萬張的銷售量讓人不得不期姆所以他這張專輯的表現也就格外令人囑目。
而阿姆2002年全新專輯【阿姆秀】中的首支單曲〝Without Me〞,阿姆在首支單曲音樂錄影帶之中大玩角色扮演,先扮蝙蝠俠羅賓,再扮恐怖份子賓拉登,讓人不得不佩服其搞笑功力,當然其教主級的饒舌功力也再次在專輯中展現,這張【阿姆秀】正是阿姆像世人展示他饒舌功力無人能出其右的又一佳作! ★滾石雜誌、娛樂周刊2000年「年度風雲人物」
- Oct 31 Mon 2005 00:04
if ........is homosexual??!!
靠夭 搞什麼啊